The spellbinding fame has notched such a zenith that people leave no room to reveal their irresistible addiction, be it at home, office, waiting places and even in moving passenger carriers. The star-casting is so beautiful that it deserves encomium from every possible corner. With Manali, the co-star Riju Biswas as Nikhil, playing the role of her beloved better half, wins countless soft hearts with his happy-go-lucky looks and simplicity. On the flip-side, the lead role of Nilima, the mother-in-law of Mouri, attracts ire of the viewers through spontaneous acting.
The attraction and acceptance touch such a sphere that the fulltime homemakers fix fervent eyes before the idiot-box leaving behind the tutorship of kids, office-goers enjoy homecoming squeezing time from preoccupations, age-olds return early from evening walk and what not!
The soap is a boon contributing three-pronged success. One, the diversified relationship blends of acting benefits the viewers to forget their psychical wounds and hard-hit loneliness a bit. Secondly, it unveils a new horizon to the talented, educated but unemployed youth to weave a career barring the main stream market of lifeless jobs. And finally but most significantly the rejuvenated Tollywood film industry fetching bulk bucks, woos unpredictable investments from far-fetched producers and raw-talented directors.
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